Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Monthly Update

What I'm excited about: A Six Flags trip I'm going on later this month, Camp Ondessonk, and the thought of actually doing something. :P
What I've been doing on the computer: Everything! Checking my email, blogging, Neopets, Gaia, VMK, and watching Youtube videos.
What I've been obssesing over: JKL Productions. On youtube, there is a channel called JKL Productions. It's these three kids (twins and a cousin) who make videos and they're HILARIOUS.
Latest reads: The Hobbit
Shower song: Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, from Phantom of the Opera, and Anything You Can Do from Annie get your Gun.
Latest movie: Lady in the Water
What I've been calling my friends about: I haven't! I should call them to do something...
What I've been doodling: Nothing.
What I've been writing: My plans for the rest of the Summer AND the new school year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back to posting---we're off to Fripp tomorrow and your Aunt Lelia and family will come in on Sunday. We wish the Wilkerson's could be there too. Have a great time at 6 Flags and Camp. We love you.

Mimi & Boppa