Friday, August 29, 2008

I am a freshman!

Wow! I haven't posted in weeks! Sorry about that. I realized once school started but I didn't know that I hadn't posted before that. Anyway. I have made it through my first week and first full week of high school! Isn't that exciting?
This is my schedule:

0. Freshman P.E.
1. Spanish 1
2. Concert Choir 1
3. Theatre Arts 1
4. Honors English 1
5. Honors Biology 1
6. Geometry

And that's it for the year! Now, I'm trying to think of what all I've done in school. Early bird p.e. is... really early. But I'm handling it. It's just that with that and my 'South Pacific' rehearsals (our show is NEXT WEEK! AHH!) my days have been way too long. I won't even tell you how long they are. But anyway... spanish is easy right now because I've already learned all of this stuff. My teacher is nice and she is from Colombia so spanish is her native language. Choir is great. I was kind of bummed that they stopped auditioning freshman for choir and put them all automatically in concert choir, but I'm having a lot of fun. Our director is so cool, and really funny and nice. She has me singing soprano. We have started 3 songs so far. Besides the actual choirs as a class, there are extra curricular choirs. The Aca Fellaz (men's choir), Bel Canto (woman's choir), and Bravo (jazz choir that starts next semester). I auditioned for Bel Canto on Tuesday, and I really think that I'm going to get in, so I'm pretty excited about that. Theatre Arts is my next class, and it is SO much fun! We talk and do acting games... it's great. My favorite class, along with choir. My teacher for that is also the head of the drama club, and she seems really great so far. Then there's english. I can't wait until we start writing, but it's good so far, and my teacher is AWESOME. She's so funny. Then there's biology, which surprisingly is the class I'm most worried about. My teacher is okay but he gives a lot of work. I think I can handle it though. After that it's geometry. I hate math, there's nothing I can do about that. And my teacher is a freak, but again; nothing I can do about that. Geometry is actually okay though, so far.
The drama meeting was this wednesday. The first show we're doing is 'Man of La Mancha'. The auditions are next wednesday. I'm really anxious for this, because I've been waiting to be in our high school's productions since I was in 6th grade. They are THAT good. I'm really hoping I can make the show. I think my audition is pretty good, but I'm gonna be working it to death this weekend. I'm singing part of the song 'Aldonza' and then doing a monolouge that Aldonza says at the end, that's really intense. Wish me luck. Or rather, to break a leg.
Besides school, 'South Pacific' rehearsals have been going strong. We're opening next thursday, and I really hope it's good! I'm looking forward to it ending so I can get home and rest (although dance is starting next week, and I'm taking 2 more classes than last year) but I'm going to be REALLY sad because I have had so much fun with this show. I think it's the most fun I've ever had with one. Besides the fact that I love the show more than any I've done, the people are great. I'm going to miss them.
Well, I just looked at my calender, and realized why I haven't posted in so long. I got my wisdom teeth out on the 8th! How could I forget? Luckily I haven't felt any pain since the about the 20th. It did hurt a lot though, especially the first 3 or 4 days. I also hated the numbing, because I've never been numbed before. It's so weird! Ugh. So yeah, I'm just glad that the pain is over. Now all I have to worry about is that they don't get infected.
I have had some fun though! I went to 2 pool parties the week before school started. One was at friend Kara's house with my group of really close girl friends, and the other was at my friend Brandon's house. They were both really fun. Last friday I went to a football scrimmage with my friends Noah, Collin, and Maddi, and afterwards we went to see 'Mamma Mia'. In fact, we are about to go see it again tonight, plus our friend Evie, because it is the sing-along version. I am so excited! Noah made a whole dance to 'Mamma Mia' (he's one my drama friends of course; he was Dodger in 'Oliver!' and he's in 'South Pacific' now. He also started going to school in our district this year, so now I see him at school too) and we are going to actually get up and dance in the theater tonight. I'm pretty sure it's just going to be me and Noah dancing. Collin will probably chicken out, Maddi is embarassed by us, and Evie doesn't really know it (and she might chicken out too) but we're still gonna rock. I also went to the mall on Sunday with my friend Abby, which was fun.
So, I'm going to try to keep updating on the weekends. I don't know how this year is going to turn out, but I am really excited! (:


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a schedule---you are one busy young lady. Wish we could be there to see you in "South Pacific."
I think you'll make the cast of "Man of La Mancha" with your terrific talent. Break a leg!

Did you actually dance at "Mama Mia" or did you chicken out? Please give us a report.

Love to you and the whole family.

Kerry2279 said...

Holly! So glad to be back to obsessively checking your blog! I had to take early bird gym when I was in high school too and it started at 6:00 a.m. NO one wants to do any physical activity at 6 a.m., much less someone like me who does not like gym to begin with! Oh well, you shall get through it! I would love to write more but it is currently 12:32 here in France so it is time for me to go to bed. Thanks for my birthday message on facebook!

Love ya!!