Saturday, September 13, 2008

High School!

Wow, high school is definitely keeping me busy!
Well, South Pacific was last weekend, and I am still SO sad that it's over. I was bawling at curtain call of the last show. It was so much fun to be in, as a show and concerning the cast itself. All the shows went great, and I think it was a success. But I'm really sad that it's over.
I auditioned for Man of La Mancha at the high school and I got in! I'm one of the prisoners. Only 4 freshman made it out of a cast of about 39, so it is a huge honor. It seems fun so far. We move really fast; in one week of rehearsal we have the first fourth of the show blocked and memorized! It's crazy, very proffessional, but I like it.
School is going well. I'm mostly worried about biology! But I think I'll be okay. I'm just trying to take everything a day at a time. I absolutely love chorus and theatre arts. In chorus we move so much faster than we did at the middle school. Our director told me at my sectional that I was at the highest level of anybody in the choir in our sight reading books, which is what we work on in sectionals. So that's fantastic! I'm liking my english class a lot too.
Last night I went to a football game at the high school. It was a lot of fun, because almost everybody goes. I used to go some in middle school, but I feel like I actually belong there now.
That's it for me. I'm hoping to go looking for a homecoming dress today or tomorrow! But for now, just chilling at home. Thank goodness it's the weekend!
I almost forgot to tell you how the 'Mamma Mia!' sing along went! It was so much fun; seriously the most fun movie I have ever gone to. It ended up being me, Noah, Evie, Collin, Maddi, Merideth, and Brandon. The dancing was mostly me, Noah, and Evie though. We sat in the very front row. Unfortunately there weren't TONS of people there, but enough to make a good audience. At first they were annoyed by us because we were SO hyper and loud, but then when we danced, they actually applauded for us! A worker did tell us to sit down at the very end of the movie, but he was smiling, so I think he enjoyed us, and just wanted to wait for the end to tell us to do it. But it was so much fun, even though I totally ruined my voice from screaming the songs.

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