Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another snowday? Can it be?!

Yes, it can! We have another day off and I am as happy as a clam because 1. I don't have to spend all day studying! I'm ready for the finals I have to take tomorrow, and 2. Today was supposed to be spanish and english finals, and tomorrow was supposed to be biology and choir. However today's finals will be pushed to tomorrow, which means I have WEEKS to study for my biology final!!! =D
I'm a little upset because I spent so much time freaking out about my bio final, that I didn't study enough for geometry. I didn't do so hot on that final. But, I'll try harder next time because I know I could have done better if I had spent more time on the review packet. Hopefully I'll at least act the biology final.
So that's what's going on today! My mom and I are going to go out so I can get my friend a birthday present and my other friend a secret santa present, because this friday I'm going to a birthday/secret santa party/sleepover. It's going to be a lot of fun. I'm also going to get my secret santa cousin her present... :)

1 comment:

Mimi and Boppa said...

Bet you did great on your geometry final---you worry too much. Don't spend your time in Atlanta studying for your biology final---save that for home. Oh the fun of snow days! It's 70 degrees in Atlanta today.