Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas break!

Finally! I've been waiting for break for SO long.
So, last wednesday on my snow day, I actually hung out with my friend Helana for most of the day. We made friendship bracelets for each other, since she moved last friday, and we made a video. I really miss her. :(
But I've still been having fun. On friday I went to that secret santa/birthday party, and it was SO much fun! I was too tired to do anything on saturday, but yesterday I went caroling at the nursing home that curtain's up theater company (Oliver! and South Pacific) rehearses at with some people involved with curtain's up, and then I hung out with my friends Bubba and Evie, who were there caroling. Today I think I'm going to hang out with my friend Abby, and we might go to the mall. But I don't know.
Oh yes! I got my hair cut on friday. They took off about 2 inches I think, and they finally got my bangs short enough so they're out of my eyes completely but they don't look weird. Thank goodness! I'm pretty happy with it.
Basically, I'm just really relieved for vacation. :)

1 comment:

Marianne said...

I know!!!!!!!!!
It is awesome when we are finally free from the curse called "school"
It can sometimes be a code name for torture. Breaks are rare, but good.