Thursday, January 15, 2009

Surprise, surprise!

Well, it's happened. School has been cancelled today because it's simply too cold to go! We found out about an hour after school ended yesterday; I was still there! There's a big possibility of it being cancelled tomorrow too. Since we have Monday off for MLK Jr. day, that would mean a 5-day weekend! I am beyond excited.
So, there's basically only two big things that have happened since I last posted. One of them, which some of you might have already been aware of, was that last Friday I was thrown a surprise birthday party! It was the best feeling in the world, coming down to my basement and seeing all of my friends there for me. But that wasn't even the best part. One of my very best friends, Helana, moved away right after school ended before the holidays. She had just moved here this summer and is now back, in Chicago. Well, the two girls who organized this party, Kara and Paige, managed to get her on a train down here to come to the party! After everyone had yelled "surprise" and whatnot, they told me there was a present behind door number one. She had been hiding in my storage room (she surprised everyone else too) and jumped out. I couldn't stop crying, I was so happy. After the guys left, the party became a sleepover. It was more fun that I could have ever imagined. The worst part, however, was taking Helana back to the train station on Saturday. But, I love her, and I'm so happy she came down. She gave up visiting at other times when she could probably have stayed longer just to be at my surprise party. It was the best gift ever. :)
Besides that, I had auditions for Jesus Christ Superstar yesterday. Not much to say. I'm extremely nervous. I think I did okay, but who knows. I'll be extremely upset if I don't make it, but I won't show it. I just hope I do.
So now, all I have to do is enjoy this mini-break. Last night I even went to the movies! I saw Bride Wars with my usual group of girlfriends. Who knows what I'll be doing today?
You probably already saw this, but it was me being surprised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow---what a surprise!! We knew you were surprised when we saw you rolling around on the floor with tears dropping like falling rain. We think it was a wonderful thing that your friends did---it shows how much they love you but they don't love you as much as your Mimi & Boppa do!